
    Une librairie Maple pour calculer une Forme Normal de Smith approchée.

Author: J. Saade

I - Introduction


II - Download and installation

Our package is available for download: SmithNormalForm.m

To install it, you must proceed as follows:
  1. Set up a directory to store your custom library as explained in Maple Programming Guide
  2. Copy the previous SmithNormalForm.m file in a directory called "SmithNormalForm"
  3. Open Maple and read  

    read "the global path of the directory

    example : read("/Users/saadejoelle/Desktop/SmithNormalForm/SmithNormalForm.m");

  4. After that type


  5. Type

    restart; with(SmithNormalForm);

You must get the list of the functions contained in the package: [CharacPoly, NullSpaceSeries, RationalKernelDecomposition, SmithNormalFormSeries, getseries]

If you do not manage to install the package, then contact us.

III - The main procedures

  1. SmithNormalFormSeries

  2. NullSpaceSeries

  3. RationalKernelDecomposition

  4. Example session